Эрнест Дж. Бэтли
Ernest G. Batley

- Место рождения: Англия, Великобритания
- Дата смерти: 20 Февраль, 1965
- Жанры: драма, криминал, короткометражка
Лучшие фильмы с Эрнест Дж. Бэтли
Все фильмы с Эрнест Дж. Бэтли (всего 66)
The Sins of Youth 1919
The Eleventh Hour 1916
The Enemy Among Us 1916
Judgement 1916
The Man Who Forgot 1916
Retribution 1916
The Man in His Place 1916
Amusing the Kids 1915
Bulldog Grit 1915
Honour Among Thieves 1915
Instruments of Fate 1915
The Loser Wins 1915
Across the Wires 1915
Remember Belgium 1915
A Cry in the Night 1915
A Son of the Sea 1915
Max Has a Birthday 1915
Respirators 1915
The Midnight Wedding 1914
Retribution 1914
The King's Romance 1914
The Tattooed Will 1914
When London Sleeps 1914
An Englishman's Home 1914
The Drawn Blind 1914
A Place in the Sun 1914
Made in Germany 1914
Money Works Wonders 1914
Битва при Ватерлоо 1913The Battle of Waterloo
Deceiving Uncle 1913
The Broken Chisel 1913
The Little Mother 1913
Peggy as Peacemaker 1913
Through the Clouds 1913
In Fate's Grip 1913
To Save Her Dad 1913
A Child's Strategy 1912
The Heavenly Twins 1912
Kleptomania Tablets 1912
Through the Flames 1912
The Drawn Blinds 1910
The Trail 1910
The Three Inventions 1910