Лотти Бриско
Lottie Briscoe

- Дата рождения: (79 лет) - Овен
- Место рождения: Сант-Луис, Миссури, США
- Дата смерти: 21 Март, 1950
- Жанры: короткометражка, драма, комедия
Лучшие фильмы с Лотти Бриско
Все фильмы с Лотти Бриско (всего 94)
IMDb: 7.2
9The House of Mirth 1918 -
An Hour of Freedom 1915
Comrade Kitty 1915
The Cornet 1915
Country Blood 1915
Her Martyrdom 1915
The Last Rose 1915
Mother of Pearl 1915
Poet and Peasant 1915
Socially Ambitious 1915
Who Violates the Law 1915
The Life Line 1915
On the Road to Reno 1915
Kiss Me Good Night 1914
The Inventor's Wife 1914
A Man's Faith 1914
Lord Algy 1914
The Blinded Heart 1914
The Sea Eternal 1913
Her Husband's Wife 1913
His Better Self 1913
A Jealous Husband 1913
The Pawned Bracelet 1913
The School Principal 1913
A Timely Rescue 1913
The Parasite 1913
John Arthur's Trust 1913
The Insurance Agent 1913
The Road to the Dawn 1913
The Benefactor 1913
The Artist's Romance 1913
A Leader of Men 1913
The Endless Night 1913
The Voice of Angelo 1913
Ложь 1912The Lie
A College Girl 1912
A Child's Devotion 1912
The Heavenly Voice 1912
Honor Thy Father 1912
In After Years 1912
A Matter of Business 1912
The Power of Silence 1912
The Spoiled Child 1912
The Stolen Ring 1912
Two Boys 1912
The Violin's Message 1912
The Wooden Bowl 1912
Gingerbread Cupid 1912
The Missing Finger 1912
My Princess 1912
The Convalescent 1912
Her Gift 1912
The Stolen Symphony 1912
The Sporting Editor 1912
The New Physician 1912
Shall Never Hunger 1912
The Amateur Iceman 1912
His Friend's Wife 1911
A Fight for Justice 1911
The Temptress 1911
Taming a Tyrant 1911
Oh, You Teacher! 1911