Херберт Прайор
Herbert Prior

- Дата рождения: (87 лет) - Рак
- Место рождения: Оксфорд, Англия
- Дата смерти: 03 Октябрь, 1954
- Жанры: короткометражка, драма, комедия
Лучшие фильмы с Херберт Прайор
Все фильмы с Херберт Прайор (всего 224)
IMDb: 4.9
268 -
IMDb: 6.6
740 -
IMDb: 6.7
103This Side of Heaven 1934 -
IMDb: 5.2
62Student Tour 1934 -
IMDb: 5.7
291Вставай и пой! 1934Stand Up and Cheer! -
IMDb: 6.5
140Prosperity 1932 -
IMDb: 6.1
98Flying High 1931 -
IMDb: 5.9
117Laugh and Get Rich 1931 -
IMDb: 6.5
145Reducing 1931 -
IMDb: 6.4
139Politics 1931 -
Caught Short 1930
IMDb: 7.8
694The Girl Said No 1930 -
IMDb: 7.1
176Passion Flower 1930 -
IMDb: 5.8
400Плата 1930Paid -
IMDb: 5.0
12Ас Скотленд-Ярда 1929The Ace of Scotland Yard -
All at Sea 1929
IMDb: 2.1
64Герцог уходит прочь 1929The Duke Steps Out -
IMDb: 8.2
853The Smart Set 1928 -
IMDb: 7.6
1,132Царь царей 1927The King of Kings -
IMDb: 5.6
29The Last Outlaw 1927 -
IMDb: 5.2
6Через океан 1926Across the Pacific -
Doubling with Danger 1926
The Midnight Kiss 1926
Rustling for Cupid 1926
- Why Girls Go Back Home
IMDb: 6.3
549Монстр 1925The Monster -
Tearing Through 1925
Waking Up the Town 1925
The Wild Bull's Lair 1925
Уличная Мадонна 1924Madonna of the Streets
Garrison's Finish 1923
Little Johnny Jones 1923
IMDb: 2.7
6Slave of Desire 1923 - The Man from Downing Street
The Half Breed 1922
Garments of Truth 1921
Сделано на небесах 1921Made in Heaven
Not Guilty 1921
- Without Benefit of Clergy
The Fighting Chance 1920
IMDb: 6.3
13Stronger Than Death 1920 -
After His Own Heart 1919
Creaking Stairs 1919
Heartsease 1919
The Love Hunger 1919
That's Good 1919
You're Fired 1919
IMDb: 7.1
194Поллианна 1919Pollyanna -
After the War 1918
The Menace 1918
A Model's Confession 1918
IMDb: 6.0
5Общество на продажу 1918Society for Sale -
The Marriage Trap 1918
IMDb: 6.9
824 -
IMDb: 6.9
14Большие надежды 1917Great Expectations -
The Last Sentence 1917
The Royal Pauper 1917
A Message to Garcia 1916
IMDb: 5.8
5 -
An Unwilling Thief 1915
The Broken Word 1915
Eugene Aram 1915
The Human Investment 1915
The King of the Wire 1915
Шагреневая кожа 1915The Magic Skin
The Test 1915
A Sad Dog's Story 1915
The Boston Tea Party 1915
Bootle's Baby 1914
On the Lazy Line 1914
The Two Vanrevels 1914
A Gypsy Madcap 1914
The Rose at the Door 1914
Meg o' the Mountains 1914
IMDb: 5.2
52An Unsullied Shield 1913 -
IMDb: 5.1
51At Bear Track Gulch 1913 -
By Fire and Water 1913
The Haunted Bedroom 1913
How Did It Finish? 1913
Janet of the Dunes 1913
Jones Goes Shopping 1913
The Lost Deed 1913
A Race to New York 1913
Rule Thyself 1913
Saved by the Enemy 1913
Why Girls Leave Home 1913
The Widow's Suitors 1913
The Golden Wedding 1913
Slander's Tongue 1913
The Butterfly 1912
The Closed Bible 1912
Hazel Kirke 1912
IMDb: 5.7
97Наименьшее зло 1912The Lesser Evil -
Next 1912
Thorns of Success 1912
A Warrior Bold 1912
His Dress Suit 1912
A Dangerous Model 1912
Dick and Daisy 1912
The Installment Plan 1912
The Lighted Candle 1912
Weary's Revenge 1912
The Doctor 1911
Leaves of a Romance 1911
A Perilous Ride 1911
The Link That Held 1911
Through the Clouds 1910
His First Valentine 1910
Ranson's Folly 1910
The Captain's Bride 1910
An Unselfish Love 1910
IMDb: 5.5
45Каминный сверчок 1909The Cricket on the Hearth -
IMDb: 5.2
14A Baby's Shoe 1909 -
IMDb: 6.0
66 -
IMDb: 5.4
13Месть шута 1909A Fool's Revenge -
IMDb: 5.7
38At the Altar 1909 -
IMDb: 5.4
13A Burglar's Mistake 1909 -
IMDb: 5.7
25Confidence 1909 -
IMDb: 5.1
8Eradicating Aunty 1909 -
IMDb: 5.3
10The Faded Lilies 1909 -
IMDb: 5.2
10Французская дуэль 1909The French Duel -
IMDb: 5.8
26Her First Biscuits 1909 -
IMDb: 5.3
53The House of Cards 1909 -
IMDb: 4.4
5The Jilt 1909 -
IMDb: 5.2
5 -
IMDb: 6.3
36 -
IMDb: 5.2
23Авантюра леди Хелен 1909Lady Helen's Escapade -
IMDb: 6.1
399Уединенная вилла 1909The Lonely Villa -
IMDb: 4.9
22Lucky Jim 1909 -
IMDb: 5.8
11The Lure of the Gown 1909 -
IMDb: 5.9
9The Necklace 1909 -
A New Trick 1909
One Busy Hour 1909
IMDb: 4.4
5The Peachbasket Hat 1909 -
IMDb: 5.0
35 -
IMDb: 6.2
36Воскресение 1909Resurrection -
IMDb: 4.7
6 -
IMDb: 5.8
23Возвращение сына 1909The Son's Return -
A Sound Sleeper 1909
IMDb: 5.4
5Клуб самоубийц 1909The Suicide Club -
IMDb: 5.0
5 -
IMDb: 5.2
5 -
IMDb: 6.0
7 -
Twin Brothers 1909
IMDb: 6.3
6Two Memories 1909 -
IMDb: 5.6
36 -
IMDb: 5.4
91Голос скрипки 1909The Voice of the Violin -
IMDb: 6.2
6Was Justice Served? 1909 -
IMDb: 5.6
17The Way of Man 1909 -
IMDb: 5.6
95 -
IMDb: 5.7
24Много лет спустя 1908After Many Years -
IMDb: 7.0
5The Boston Tea Party 1908 -
IMDb: 6.5
6Ex-Convict No. 900 1908 -
Stage Struck 1907