Хелен Линдрот
Helen Lindroth

- Дата рождения: (81 год) - Стрелец
- Место рождения: Швеция
- Дата смерти: 05 Октябрь, 1956
- Жанры: драма, короткометражка, мелодрама
Лучшие фильмы с Хелен Линдрот
Все фильмы с Хелен Линдрот (всего 98)
IMDb: 6.3
22Лебедь 1925The Swan -
Unrestrained Youth 1925
The Confidence Man 1924
IMDb: 8.2
10Колибри 1924The Humming Bird -
Unguarded Women 1924
Java Head 1923
Невидящий взор 1923Unseeing Eyes
Страстный пилигрим 1921The Passionate Pilgrim
The Right Way 1921
The Way of a Maid 1921
The Great Romance 1919
Shadows of Suspicion 1919
IMDb: 7.2
5At the Mercy of Men 1918 -
Kildare of Storm 1918
Woman and Wife 1918
The House of Gold 1918
The Hungry Heart 1917
Little Miss Nobody 1917
Одри 1916Audrey
The Black Crook 1916
The Innocent Lie 1916
IMDb: 7.4
5Seventeen 1916 -
The Spider 1916
Лицо Мадонны 1915The Face of the Madonna
The Crooked Path 1915
Дон Сезар де Базан 1915Don Caesar de Bazan
Honor Thy Father 1915
The Luring Lights 1915
The Maker of Dreams 1915
The Pretenders 1915
IMDb: 4.5
6 -
Voices in the Dark 1915
The White Goddess 1915
An Innocent Sinner 1915
The Bondwoman 1915
The Barefoot Boy 1914
The Brand 1914
The Cabaret Dancer 1914
Chest of Fortune 1914
The Dance of Death 1914
Her Bitter Lesson 1914
In Wolf's Clothing 1914
The Man of Iron 1914
The Menace of Fate 1914
The Treasure Ship 1914
Seed and the Harvest 1914
The Swamp Fox 1914
The Storm at Sea 1914
The Atheist 1913
Captured by Strategy 1913
Lady Peggy's Escape 1913
The Octoroon 1913
Our New Minister 1913
A Sawmill Hazard 1913
A Treacherous Shot 1913
The Turning Point 1913
Хижина дяди Тома 1913Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Bribe 1913
The Lost Diamond 1913
The Eighth Notch 1913
A Victim of Heredity 1913
The Hidden Witness 1913
The Padrone's Plot 1913
The Farm Bully 1912
IMDb: 5.9
303 -
His Mother's Picture 1912
The Kerry Gow 1912
The Poacher's Pardon 1912
A Railroad Lochinvar 1912
The Shaughraun 1912
Tide of Battle 1912
War's Havoc 1912
A Spartan Mother 1912