Хелен Данбар
Helen Dunbar

- Дата рождения: (69 лет) - Весы
- Место рождения: Филадельфия, Пеннсильвания, США
- Дата смерти: 28 Август, 1933
- Жанры: драма, короткометражка, комедия
Лучшие фильмы с Хелен Данбар
Все фильмы с Хелен Данбар (всего 166)
IMDb: 7.6
5The Beautiful Cheat 1926 -
IMDb: 8.4
656Отличный способ 1926Fine Manners -
IMDb: 8.4
9His Jazz Bride 1926 -
The Man Upstairs 1926
Meet the Prince 1926
Stranded in Paris 1926
Sweet Rosie O'Grady 1926
IMDb: 7.6
590Веер леди Уиндермир 1925Lady Windermere's Fan -
Compromise 1925
The Reckless Sex 1925
Rose of the World 1925
Siege 1925
The Woman Hater 1925
Три недели 1924Three Weeks
IMDb: 7.4
9Changing Husbands 1924 -
IMDb: 7.8
9Борящийся трус 1924The Fighting Coward -
Эта женщина 1924This Woman
IMDb: 6.9
21Голливуд 1923Hollywood -
IMDb: 6.0
7 -
IMDb: 6.4
5Обман 1923The Cheat -
IMDb: 6.4
15 -
IMDb: 7.8
1,905По ту сторону скал 1922Beyond the Rocks -
A Homespun Vamp 1922
IMDb: 6.2
6 -
Тридцать дней 1922Thirty Days
Чемпион мира 1922The World's Champion
IMDb: 5.8
6The Great Moment 1921 -
Her Winning Way 1921
Sham 1921
Behold My Wife 1920
The City of Masks 1920
The Furnace 1920
Her First Elopement 1920
Young Mrs. Winthrop 1920
All Wrong 1919
Common Clay 1919
Fires of Faith 1919
God's Outlaw 1919
Jane Goes A' Wooing 1919
Josselyn's Wife 1919
Puppy Love 1919
Venus in the East 1919
The Winning Girl 1919
Fighting Through 1919
Blindfolded 1918
Inside the Lines 1918
Maid o' the Storm 1918
More Trouble 1918
The Shuttle 1918
IMDb: 4.8
11Муж индианки 1918The Squaw Man -
Wedlock 1918
The Great Secret 1917
Molly Entangled 1917
A Corner in Cotton 1916
Man and His Soul 1916
A Million a Minute 1916
The Price of Malice 1916
IMDb: 6.8
8Ромео и Джульетта 1916Romeo and Juliet -
A Virginia Romance 1916
The Wall Between 1916
The Accounting 1915
The Amateur Prodigal 1915
Graustark 1915
Pennington's Choice 1915
The Silent Voice 1915
Thirty 1915
The Wood Nymph 1915
Mr. Buttles 1915
Above the Abyss 1915
A Letter from Home 1914
Any Woman's Choice 1914
Ashes of Hope 1914
The Battle of Love 1914
The Chasm 1914
Dawn and Twilight 1914
Every Inch a King 1914
His Stolen Fortune 1914
One Wonderful Night 1914
The Other Girl 1914
The Plum Tree 1914
The Prince Party 1914
The Real Agatha 1914
The Song in the Dark 1914
Yarn a-Tangle 1914
Stopping the Limited 1914
His Dearest Foes 1914
The Uneven Balance 1914
The Broken Heart 1913
Dear Old Girl 1913
The Forbidden Way 1913
Jimmy 1913
The Right of Way 1913
Sunlight 1913
Tapped Wires 1913
The Way Perilous 1913
When Soul Meets Soul 1913
The Whip Hand 1913
A Wolf Among Lambs 1913
The Three Queens 1913
The Unknown 1913
All in the Family 1912
An Adamless Eden 1912
Billy and the Butler 1912
The Cat's Paw 1912
Down Jayville Way 1912
The End of the Feud 1912
Hearts of Men 1912
The Iron Heel 1912
Lonesome Robert 1912
The Magic Wand 1912
Neptune's Daughter 1912
The New Church Organ 1912
Out of the Depths 1912
The Passing Shadow 1912
The Penitent 1912
A Soul Reclaimed 1912
The Supreme Test 1912
The Turning Point 1912
The Virtue of Rags 1912
The Warning Hand 1912
When Wealth Torments 1912
His Birthday Jacket 1912
Sam Simpkins, Sleuth 1912
Requited Love 1912
The Hospital Baby 1912
Her Masterful Man 1912