Гарри Данкинсон
Harry Dunkinson

- Дата рождения: (59 лет) - Стрелец
- Место рождения: Нью-Йорк, США
- Дата смерти: 14 Март, 1936
- Жанры: комедия, короткометражка, драма
- Рост: 1.78 м
Лучшие фильмы с Гарри Данкинсон
Все фильмы с Гарри Данкинсон (всего 139)
IMDb: 6.5
12The County Chairman 1935 -
IMDb: 6.0
86 -
IMDb: 6.6
62Grand Exit 1935 -
IMDb: 7.0
104 -
IMDb: 6.0
7Невада 1935Nevada -
IMDb: 6.9
125 -
IMDb: 5.8
37This Is the Life 1935 -
IMDb: 6.5
55Vagabond Lady 1935 -
IMDb: 7.4
1,209Весь город говорит 1935The Whole Town's Talking -
IMDb: 6.8
567Бродвей Билл 1934Broadway Bill -
IMDb: 6.5
24Another Wild Idea 1934 -
IMDb: 7.7
536 -
IMDb: 6.7
40David Harum 1934 -
Ferocious Pal 1934
IMDb: 7.7
690Пока-пока 1934Going Bye-Bye! -
I'll Fix It 1934
IMDb: 7.4
27Вход для прислуги 1934Servants' Entrance -
IMDb: 5.7
291Вставай и пой! 1934Stand Up and Cheer! -
IMDb: 7.6
3,078Серенада трех сердец 1933Design for Living -
IMDb: 7.1
299Tillie and Gus 1933 -
Amateur Daddy 1932
False Roomers 1931
Divorced Sweethearts 1930
IMDb: 6.8
26Одетый убивать 1928Dressed to Kill -
Sporting Goods 1928
Jack and Jilted 1928
IMDb: 5.5
6Silver Valley 1927 -
IMDb: 6.0
13A Bankrupt Honeymoon 1926 -
Doubling with Danger 1926
The Desert's Price 1925
On the Go 1925
IMDb: 5.8
37 -
Stay Single 1924
Bag and Baggage 1923
Gentle Julia 1923
Mine to Keep 1923
Soft Boiled 1923
The Fast Mail 1922
IMDb: 5.6
5 -
The Blushing Bride 1921
IMDb: 4.8
5The Last Trail 1921 -
A Ridin' Romeo 1921
IMDb: 7.1
7Trailin' 1921 -
Beware of the Bride 1920
The Daredevil 1920
Forbidden Trails 1920
The Husband Hunter 1920
The Land of Jazz 1920
Officer 666 1920
Prairie Trails 1920
Rouge and Riches 1920
The Willow Tree 1920
Роман негодя 1919A Rogue's Romance
Chasing Rainbows 1919
The Forbidden Room 1919
Love Is Love 1919
The Rebellious Bride 1919
The Brass Bullet 1918
Danger Within 1918
Kidder and Ko 1918
IMDb: 5.0
7Selfish Yates 1918 -
A Soul for Sale 1918
The Edge of the Law 1917
Follow the Girl 1917
The Ham What Was 1917
On Trial 1917
Skinner's Dress Suit 1917
Three Ways Out 1917
The Trufflers 1917
The Beachcomber 1916
IMDb: 6.3
7Easy Ed 1916 -
The Grouch 1916
The Misleading Lady 1916
The Promise Land 1916
The Schemers 1916
The Pacifist 1916
Peter, the Hermit 1916
Нарушенный обет 1915The Broken Pledge
The Crimson Wing 1915
Education 1915
Fifty-Fifty 1915
Frauds 1915
The Night of Souls 1915
A Pound for a Pound 1915
IMDb: 5.8
61Ворон 1915The Raven -
IMDb: 4.7
7The Slim Princess 1915 -
Thirteen Down 1915
Thirty 1915
The Undertow 1915
Mr. Buttles 1915
The Man in Motley 1915
A Letter from Home 1914
The Battle of Love 1914
The Night Hawks 1914
The Plum Tree 1914
The Prevailing Craze 1914
The Prince Party 1914
Scars of Possession 1914
She Landed a Big One 1914
Sweedie and the Lord 1914
His Dearest Foes 1914
The Right of Way 1913
An Adamless Eden 1912
Hearts of Men 1912