George Ovey

- Дата рождения: (80 лет) - Стрелец
- Место рождения: Trenton, Missouri, USA
- Дата смерти: 23 Сентябрь, 1951
- Жанры: комедия, короткометражка, драма
- Рост: 1.61 м
Лучшие фильмы с George Ovey
Все фильмы с George Ovey (всего 206)
IMDb: 6.7
374Sealed Cargo 1951 -
IMDb: 7.1
1,695История Страттона 1949The Stratton Story -
IMDb: 7.5
2,558Акт насилия 1948Act of Violence -
IMDb: 6.3
382Хороший Сэм 1948Good Sam -
IMDb: 7.8
9,578Янки Дудл Денди 1942Yankee Doodle Dandy -
IMDb: 6.5
863Капитаны облаков 1942Captains of the Clouds -
IMDb: 6.3
398 -
IMDb: 6.1
133Tish 1942 -
IMDb: 7.4
5,767Женщина года 1941Woman of the Year -
IMDb: 6.4
522 -
IMDb: 6.0
217A Man Betrayed 1941 -
IMDb: 6.7
443 -
IMDb: 6.0
53Sucker List 1941 -
IMDb: 6.6
254Нечестные партнеры 1941Unholy Partners -
IMDb: 7.1
989Эдисон, человек 1940Edison, the Man -
IMDb: 7.0
379Почта от Рейтера 1940A Dispatch from Reuter's -
IMDb: 6.3
102 -
IMDb: 6.4
137 -
IMDb: 6.1
196 -
Missing Evidence 1939
IMDb: 6.5
191Встань и дерись 1939Stand Up and Fight -
They Asked for It 1939
IMDb: 7.3
1,016 -
IMDb: 6.5
11City Streets 1938 -
IMDb: 6.0
260 -
IMDb: 6.1
40The Missing Guest 1938 -
IMDb: 6.3
114Woman Against Woman 1938 -
IMDb: 6.6
17Young Fugitives 1938 -
IMDb: 6.8
8A Girl with Ideas 1937 -
Behind the Mike 1937
Breezing Home 1937
IMDb: 7.2
316Madame X 1937 -
IMDb: 5.2
28Missing Witnesses 1937 -
IMDb: 6.3
111Mountain Justice 1937 -
IMDb: 7.7
849 -
IMDb: 6.7
204Уэллс Фарго 1937Wells Fargo -
IMDb: 8.1
1,191Кейн и Мейбл 1936Cain and Mabel -
IMDb: 6.6
81Король бурлеска 1936King of Burlesque -
IMDb: 7.4
1,294Теодора сходит с ума 1936Theodora Goes Wild -
IMDb: 6.4
54 -
IMDb: 5.9
166Murder with Pictures 1936 -
IMDb: 6.8
67Призрачный всадник 1936The Phantom Rider -
IMDb: 6.4
10Rose Bowl 1936 -
IMDb: 5.1
269 -
IMDb: 5.9
29 -
IMDb: 6.2
5Old Sawbones 1935 -
IMDb: 6.4
9Redheads on Parade 1935 -
IMDb: 5.0
13The Roaring West 1935 -
IMDb: 5.2
517Техасский террор 1935Texas Terror -
IMDb: 6.6
1736 Day Bike Rider 1934 -
Back to the Soil 1934
IMDb: 6.4
120Мадам ДюБарри 1934Madame Du Barry -
IMDb: 7.4
27Вход для прислуги 1934Servants' Entrance -
IMDb: 7.7
657Ты мне говоришь! 1934You're Telling Me! -
IMDb: 6.6
1,190Алиса в стране чудес 1933Alice in Wonderland -
IMDb: 6.8
975Женщина 1933Female -
IMDb: 6.5
91Hold 'Em Jail 1932 -
IMDb: 6.5
47Gold Dust Gertie 1931 -
IMDb: 6.8
12 -
IMDb: 6.6
17Night Ride 1930 -
IMDb: 7.2
215Бродвей 1929Broadway -
A Trick of Hearts 1928
Better Days 1927
IMDb: 5.2
12Desert Dust 1927 -
IMDb: 6.9
14My Friend from India 1927 -
Pals in Peril 1927
IMDb: 6.8
57The Yankee Clipper 1927 -
Arizona Sweepstakes 1926
The Sporting Lover 1926
Strings of Steel 1926
Bring Him In 1924
Fight and Win 1924
So This Is Paris 1924
The Yankee Spirit 1923
Bounced 1920
Jerry's Gentle Humor 1920
Calling His Bluff 1919
Are Flirts Foolish? 1919
Bride and Gloomy 1919
Dark and Cloudy 1919
Dropped Into Scandal 1919
Hits and Misses 1919
Regular Cut-Ups 1919
IMDb: 5.5
6 -
His Fatal Bite 1919
Lovesick at Sea 1919
Jerry's Winning Way 1917
Be Sure You're Right 1917
The Flying Target 1917
The Gypsy Prince 1917
Jerry and His Pal 1917
Jerry and the Bully 1917
Jerry at the Waldorf 1917
Jerry in Yodel Land 1917
Jerry Joins the Army 1917
Jerry on the Farm 1917
Jerry Takes Gas 1917
Jerry Tries Again 1917
Jerry's Big Deal 1917
Jerry's Big Doings 1917
Jerry's Big Mystery 1917
Jerry's Big Raid 1917
Jerry's Double Cross 1917
Jerry's Elopement 1917
Jerry's Getaway 1917
Jerry's Jam 1917
Jerry's Lucky Day 1917
Jerry's Picnic 1917
Jerry's Romance 1917
Jerry's Soft Snap 1917
Jerry's Star Bout 1917
Jerry's Trial 1917
The Lady Detective 1917
Minding the Baby 1917
Officer Jerry 1917
The Ransom 1917
Jerry's Victory 1917
There and Back 1917
Jerry's Best Friend 1917
Jerry in Mexico 1916
A Merry Mix-Up 1916
Around the World 1916
The Conquering Hero 1916
The Desperate Chance 1916
Going Up 1916
Jerry in the Movies 1916
Jerry's Big Game 1916
Jerry's Big Haul 1916
Jerry's Big Lark 1916
Jerry's Celebration 1916
Jerry's Millions 1916
Jerry's Perfect Day 1916
Jerry's Stratagem 1916
Making Things Hum 1916
The Masque Ball 1916
Movie Struck 1916
On the Rampage 1916
Preparedness 1916
The Rookie 1916
Too Proud to Fight 1916
The Traitor 1916
The Winning Punch 1916
A Night's Lodging 1915
A Shot Gun Romance 1915
IMDb: 4.9
19 -
IMDb: 6.9
11The Cannon Ball 1915 -
A Change of Luck 1915
A Deal in Indians 1915
Doctor Jerry 1915
The Double Cross 1915
IMDb: 6.9
7 -
Father Forgot 1915
IMDb: 6.2
49 -
The Fighting Four 1915
The Fighting Kid 1915
He's in Again 1915
Hearts and Clubs 1915
The Holdup 1915
Jerry and the Gunman 1915
Jerry's Busy Day 1915
Jerry's Revenge 1915
The Knockout 1915
The Little Detective 1915
The Little Hero 1915
Making Matters Worse 1915
On the Job 1915
The Oriental Spasm 1915
The Stolen Case 1915
Taking a Chance 1915
The Treasure Box 1915
Waking Up Father 1915
Jerry to the Rescue 1915
A Mix-Up in Males 1915
A Barber-ous Affair 1915
Life's Mysteries 1915