Джордж Гебхардт
George Gebhardt

- Место рождения: Базель, Швейцария
- Дата смерти: 02 Май, 1919
- Жанры: короткометражка, драма, комедия
Лучшие фильмы с Джордж Гебхардт
Все фильмы с Джордж Гебхардт (всего 159)
Through Eyes of Men 1920
Fighting Through 1919
IMDb: 4.7
12Hands Up! 1918 -
Madame Spy 1918
Eternal Love 1917
Jerry in Yodel Land 1917
The Dyspeptic 1916
A Modern Knight 1916
The Power of Mind 1916
Blackbirds 1915
The Fighting Hope 1915
The Puppet Crown 1915
Ready for Reno 1915
IMDb: 3.7
6The Unknown 1915 -
The Voice in the Fog 1915
The Cost 1915
The Greater Barrier 1915
Against Heavy Odds 1914
IMDb: 5.6
8The Dishonored Medal 1914 -
Down Lone Gap Way 1914
Таис 1914Thais
By the Two Oak Trees 1913
Bozo Arrives 1913
The Accidental Shot 1913
The Blind Gypsy 1913
The Frame-Up 1913
A Bear Escape 1913
The Thwarted Plot 1913
An Indian Don Juan 1913
The Bear Hunter 1913
Saved by His Horse 1913
The Sheriff's Reward 1913
The Mexican's Defeat 1913
A Break for Freedom 1913
Lillie's Nightmare 1913
The Love That Turned 1913
The Mexican Gambler 1913
The Poisoned Stream 1913
The Secret Treasure 1913
The Unfilled Oath 1913
A Pair of Jacks 1912
Across the Sierras 1912
The Everlasting Judy 1912
The Fighting Chance 1912
IMDb: 9.2
5Her Indian Hero 1912 -
The Love Trail 1912
A Redman's Loyalty 1912
The Renegade 1912
The Thespian Bandit 1912
Two Men and the Law 1912
The Unwilling Bride 1912
The Penalty Paid 1912
At Rolling Forks 1912
The Branded Arm 1912
Settled Out of Court 1912
Misleading Evidence 1912
A Redskin's Appeal 1912
The Double Trail 1912
The Hand of Destiny 1912
A Race for Liberty 1912
The Empty Holster 1912
The Gambler 1912
The Bear Trap 1912
Silver Moon's Rescue 1912
Getting His Man 1911
IMDb: 6.0
5A Wreath in Time 1909 -
IMDb: 5.7
38At the Altar 1909 -
IMDb: 5.0
12The Brahma Diamond 1909 -
IMDb: 5.3
35Нить судьбы 1909The Cord of Life -
IMDb: 5.0
9 -
IMDb: 5.6
135Карниз для штор 1909The Curtain Pole -
IMDb: 5.8
11 -
IMDb: 5.7
82The Golden Louis 1909 -
IMDb: 4.0
5The Hindoo Dagger 1909 -
The Honor of Thieves 1909
IMDb: 6.0
7 -
IMDb: 6.3
36 -
Love Finds a Way 1909
IMDb: 6.2
5The Maniac Cook 1909 -
IMDb: 6.9
7One Touch of Nature 1909 -
IMDb: 5.0
35 -
IMDb: 7.8
6A Rural Elopement 1909 -
IMDb: 5.8
6The Sacrifice 1909 -
IMDb: 4.7
6 -
IMDb: 6.3
602Эти ужасные шляпы 1909Those Awful Hats -
IMDb: 6.5
6Трагическая любовь 1909Tragic Love -
IMDb: 6.8
5The Welcome Burglar 1909 -
IMDb: 6.3
7Мужчина и женщина 1908The Man and the Woman -
IMDb: 6.2
40Укрощение строптивой 1908The Taming of the Shrew -
IMDb: 4.5
106 -
IMDb: 5.6
5Курящий муж 1908A Smoked Husband -
IMDb: 5.7
24Много лет спустя 1908After Many Years -
IMDb: 4.6
38Ужасный момент 1908An Awful Moment -
IMDb: 5.7
57 -
IMDb: 5.5
17Behind the Scenes 1908 -
IMDb: 5.5
45 -
IMDb: 4.6
50The Black Viper 1908 -
IMDb: 5.5
19Зов предков 1908The Call of the Wild -
IMDb: 5.9
15 -
IMDb: 5.6
13 -
IMDb: 5.8
13Concealing a Burglar 1908 -
IMDb: 5.6
11 -
IMDb: 6.4
11Дьявол 1908The Devil -
IMDb: 6.0
24Роковой час 1908The Fatal Hour -
IMDb: 5.2
32Отец входит в игру 1908Father Gets in the Game -
IMDb: 5.8
13 -
IMDb: 5.3
22Борьба за свободу 1908The Fight for Freedom -
IMDb: 6.4
11For a Wife's Honor 1908 -
IMDb: 6.4
14Из за любви к золоту 1908For Love of Gold -
IMDb: 5.0
15 -
IMDb: 5.8
15 -
IMDb: 5.7
6The Guerrilla 1908 -
IMDb: 5.3
7The Heart of O'Yama 1908 -
IMDb: 6.0
7The Helping Hand 1908 -
IMDb: 4.8
10 -
IMDb: 5.4
7The Ingrate 1908 -
IMDb: 3.7
6Кентуккиец 1908The Kentuckian -
IMDb: 5.6
5The Man in the Box 1908 -
IMDb: 6.9
7 -
IMDb: 5.9
30Из-за денег 1908Money Mad -
IMDb: 7.0
10Мистер Джонс на балу 1908Mr. Jones at the Ball -
IMDb: 5.6
7Пиратское золото 1908The Pirate's Gold -
IMDb: 4.8
6The Planter's Wife 1908 -
IMDb: 7.6
8The Reckoning 1908 -
IMDb: 5.2
8The Red Girl 1908 -
IMDb: 5.0
8Краснокожий и дитя 1908The Red Man and the Child -
IMDb: 5.3
42Romance of a Jewess 1908 -
IMDb: 6.5
41Песнь о рубашке 1908The Song of the Shirt -
IMDb: 4.7
6The Stage Rustler 1908 -
IMDb: 6.7
7 -
IMDb: 5.9
10 -
IMDb: 6.4
7Испытание дружбы 1908The Test of Friendship -
IMDb: 6.5
6The Valet's Wife 1908 -
IMDb: 5.7
6Клятва Вакеро 1908The Vaquero's Vow -
IMDb: 5.8
21 -
IMDb: 5.3
7Женский путь 1908A Woman's Way -
IMDb: 5.5
11The Zulu's Heart 1908