Е.Х. Кэлверт
E.H. Calvert

- Дата рождения: (78 лет) - Рак
- Место рождения: Алегзандрия, Вирджиния, США
- Дата смерти: 05 Октябрь, 1941
- Жанры: драма, короткометражка, комедия
Лучшие фильмы с Е.Х. Кэлверт
Все фильмы с Е.Х. Кэлверт (всего 216)
IMDb: 7.2
1,393Юнион Пасифик 1939Union Pacific -
IMDb: 5.3
35Ellis Island 1936 -
The Glory Trail 1936
IMDb: 6.3
112Murder at Glen Athol 1936 -
IMDb: 6.2
75The Oregon Trail 1936 -
IMDb: 6.9
87Так красна роза 1935So Red the Rose -
IMDb: 5.6
99 -
IMDb: 6.3
36Румба 1935Rumba -
Western Courage 1935
IMDb: 6.9
581Дом Ротшильдов 1934The House of Rothschild -
IMDb: 6.2
12Here Comes the Groom 1934 -
IMDb: 7.3
11 -
IMDb: 6.8
57Могучий Барнум 1934The Mighty Barnum -
IMDb: 8.1
42,584Утиный суп 1933Duck Soup -
IMDb: 7.0
365Сила и слава 1933The Power and the Glory -
IMDb: 6.7
14Lost in Limehouse 1933 -
IMDb: 6.6
9The Mysterious Rider 1933 -
IMDb: 7.7
8,183Лошадиные перья 1932Horse Feathers -
IMDb: 6.5
153The Conquerors 1932 -
IMDb: 7.3
1,119Кончай свои проблемы 1932Pack Up Your Troubles -
IMDb: 6.0
10Wild Horse Mesa 1932 -
IMDb: 5.7
27Beyond Victory 1931 -
IMDb: 6.1
35Graft 1931 -
Sealed Lips 1931
IMDb: 6.3
32A Man from Wyoming 1930 -
IMDb: 6.8
5The Border Legion 1930 -
IMDb: 6.3
176 -
IMDb: 5.9
16The Kibitzer 1930 -
IMDb: 7.1
28Ladies Love Brutes 1930 -
IMDb: 6.8
88 -
IMDb: 6.9
158 -
IMDb: 4.3
40Men Are Like That 1930 -
IMDb: 6.8
86 -
IMDb: 6.1
45Смыв косметику 1930Behind the Make-Up -
IMDb: 5.7
11The Social Lion 1930 -
IMDb: 6.9
37Только храбрые 1930Only the Brave -
IMDb: 6.7
58Peacock Alley 1930 -
IMDb: 7.0
235Громобой 1929Thunderbolt -
IMDb: 6.2
271 -
IMDb: 7.2
8Иллюзия 1929Illusion -
IMDb: 7.3
1,186Парад любви 1929The Love Parade -
IMDb: 7.4
5Blue Skies 1929 -
IMDb: 5.6
7Dark Streets 1929 -
IMDb: 6.8
19Darkened Rooms 1929 -
IMDb: 7.3
7Fast Company 1929 -
IMDb: 6.5
127 -
IMDb: 7.2
19The Mighty 1929 -
IMDb: 5.9
37 -
IMDb: 7.0
330Вирджинец 1929The Virginian -
IMDb: 5.2
8Человек без лица 1928The Man Without a Face -
The City of Youth 1928
IMDb: 5.9
25Легион осуждённых 1928The Legion of the Condemned -
IMDb: 6.1
13Let 'Er Go Gallegher 1928 -
IMDb: 5.4
8Moran of the Marines 1928 -
Why Sailors Go Wrong 1928
IMDb: 6.4
153The First Auto 1927 -
Melting Millions 1927
Новобранцы 1927Rookies
IMDb: 7.8
29The Wizard 1927 -
IMDb: 8.0
1,443Вест-Пойнт 1927West Point -
IMDb: 4.1
15Дом без ключа 1926The House Without a Key -
IMDb: 8.3
657Элла Синдерс 1926Ella Cinders -
К востоку от Суэца 1925East of Suez
Havoc 1925
IMDb: 6.4
7Салли 1925Sally -
The Talker 1925
Bluff 1924
Инез из Голливуда 1924Inez from Hollywood
Why Men Leave Home 1924
The Silent Partner 1923
Branded 1921
The Magic Mirror 1917
The Pulse of Madness 1917
Shifting Shadows 1917
The Sinful Marriage 1917
When the Man Speaks 1917
The Wide, Wrong Way 1917
The Wifeless Husband 1917
The Pallid Dawn 1917
Beyond the Law 1916
The Burning Band 1916
Dancing with Folly 1916
His Moral Code 1916
The Last Adventure 1916
Marooned 1916
Money to Burn 1916
Vultures of Society 1916
When Justice Won 1916
Wife in Sunshine 1916
Worth While 1916
Affinities 1915
The Circular Path 1915
The Crimson Wing 1915
A Dignified Family 1915
Jane of the Soil 1915
A Lesson in Romance 1915
The Man Trail 1915
Mind Over Motor 1915
The Outer Edge 1915
IMDb: 8.1
7The Reaping 1915 -
IMDb: 4.7
7The Slim Princess 1915 -
Third Hand High 1915
Tish's Spy 1915
The Wood Nymph 1915
The Secret's Price 1915
The Profligate 1915
Means and Morals 1915
Home Coming 1915
Reckoning Day 1915
The Man in Motley 1915
The Snow-Burner 1915
Тени 1914Shadows
Ashes of Hope 1914
Blood Will Tell 1914
Finger Prints 1914
The Hour and the Man 1914
In the Moon's Ray 1914
The Masked Wrestler 1914
One Wonderful Night 1914
The Other Girl 1914
The Plum Tree 1914
The Showman 1914
Sparks of Fate 1914
A Splendid Dishonor 1914
Trinkets of Tragedy 1914
His Dearest Foes 1914
The Counter-Melody 1914
Her Trip to New York 1914
IMDb: 7.1
8 -
Pierre of the North 1914
Hear No Evil 1914
Женщины 1913Women
The Boomerang 1913
The Brand of Evil 1913
A Brother's Loyalty 1913
The Final Judgment 1913
The Forbidden Way 1913
The Great Game 1913
Grist to the Mill 1913
The Heiress 1913
In Convict Garb 1913
Life's Weaving 1913
The Love Theft 1913
A Matter of Dress 1913
Tapped Wires 1913
What George Did 1913
A Woman's Way 1913
The World Above 1913
Into the North 1913
The Ghost of Self 1913
The Unknown 1913
The Sign 1913
The Little Mother 1913
The Heart of the Law 1913
The Price of Gold 1913
Identical Identities 1913
Thy Will Be Done 1913
Odd Knotts 1913
Here's Your Hat 1913
Quicksands of Sin 1913
Back to the Old Farm 1912
The Fisherman's Luck 1912
Ghosts 1912
The House of Pride 1912
The Love Test 1912
Love Through a Lens 1912
The Snare 1912
The Stain 1912
Alimony 1912
A Money? 1912
IMDb: 6.5
52From the Submerged 1912 -
Terrible Teddy 1912