Эдвин Дж. Коллинз
Edwin J. Collins

- Жанры: комедия, драма, короткометражка
Лучшие фильмы с Эдвин Дж. Коллинз
Все фильмы с Эдвин Дж. Коллинз (всего 133)
A Gamble with Hearts 1923
IMDb: 5.8
5Укрощение строптивой 1923The Taming of the Shrew -
Дон Жуан 1922Don Juan
Эсмеральда 1922Esmeralda
The Parson's Fight 1922
Il trovatore 1922
Pluck v. Plot 1922
Quitter Grant 1922
Won by Warr 1922
Hard Cash 1921
Стелла 1921Stella
Foul Play 1920
In the Gloaming 1919
The Starting Point 1919
God and the Man 1918
Rations 1918
The Blind Boy 1917
Том Джонс 1917Tom Jones
Doing His Bit 1917
A Deuce of a Girl 1916
On the Carpet 1916
Rays That Erase 1916
Many Happy Returns 1916
Boots from Bootle 1916
All Stars 1916
The Devil to Pay 1915
P'raps, P'raps Not 1915
Bosh! 1915
Spoof for Oof 1915
Nabbed! 1915
Odd Man Out 1915
Watch Your Watch 1915
Boots? Not 'Arf! 1915
Dowell's Duels 1915
Left in the Lurch 1915
Mad Mokes and Motors 1915
Nobbling the Bridge 1915
Puss and Boots 1915
Two of a Suit 1915
Well I'm -- 1915
Which Is Witch? 1915
A Daughter of Satan 1914
Eugene Aram 1914
They All Want a Girl 1914
Meddlesome Mike 1914
IMDb: 7.8
14 -
A Double Exposure 1914
Non-Suited 1914
The Electric Doll 1914
Asking for Trouble 1914
When the Ink Ran Out 1914
A Kiss, Nearly 1914
Ah! Ah!! Tishoo!!! 1914
Aubrey's Birthday 1914
Auntie's Dilemma 1914
The Grip of the Past 1914
The New Dentist 1914
One Winter's Night 1914
The Pursuit of Venus 1914
Snuffy Stuff, Snuff 1914
Whose Baby? 1914
A Sporting Chance 1913
The Sport of Fate 1913
From the Depths 1913
The Diamond Star 1913
Wooing Auntie 1913
Social Aspirations 1913
Won by a Child 1913
Oh! My Aunt 1913
A Fishy Story 1913
A Broken Life 1913
His Wonderful Lamp 1913
The Jailbird 1913
A Tale of Two Tables 1913
An Island Romance 1913
Land and Sea 1913
The Postman 1913
Revenge Is Sweet 1913
The Scapegrace 1913
Time Flies 1913
Из прошлого 1912Out of the Past
Jones' Mistake 1912
Cold Steel 1912
Not Such a Fool 1912
A Country Lass 1912
The Patched Coat 1912
Turning the Tables 1912
Pursued by Priscilla 1912
The Stolen Violin 1912
Blackmail 1912
The Hearts of Men 1912
Nan in Fairyland 1912