Создатели фильма No Greater Love
Над фильмом работали: Режиссеры , Актеры , Продюсеры , Операторы
Майкл Уайт (Michael Whyte)
Mary of St. Philip (Mary of St. Philip)
Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Mary of the Immaculate Conception)
Mary of Christ (Mary of Christ)
Patricia Mary of Jesus (Patricia Mary of Jesus)
Marie Louise of Jesus (Marie Louise of Jesus)
Mary of Saint Joseph (Mary of Saint Joseph)
Marie Therese of the Cross (Marie Therese of the Cross)
Patricia of the Heart of Mercy (Patricia of the Heart of Mercy)
Maria Jolanta of the Eucharist (Maria Jolanta of the Eucharist)
Susan Marie of the Sacred Heart (Susan Marie of the Sacred Heart)
Luke of the Five Wounds (Luke of the Five Wounds)
Patricia of the Presentation (Patricia of the Presentation)
Pamela of the Holy Spirit (Pamela of the Holy Spirit)
Desiree of Jesus (Desiree of Jesus)
Catherine of the Holy Cross (Catherine of the Holy Cross)
Teresa (Teresa)
Angela (Angela)
Джанин Мармот (Janine Marmot)
Майкл Уайт (Michael Whyte)
Майкл Уайт (Michael Whyte)